If we want to travel from our city, Baton Rouge to farther north states such as California, Oregon or Washington, hence we should have "transit" flight.
Two places as common transit airports are Dallas and Houston. We love George Bush intercontinental airport in Houston.
George Bush is one of the biggest and busiest airports in the USA. The airport is closer from our city, and we feel convenient compared to Dallas.
In addition to extensive networks within the airports in the USA, there are plenty of direct flight from Houston to many regions.
We may be connected to many countries in the regions of South and North America, Asia, Africa and Europe.
We may find information about the destinations we could reach directly from George Bush airport in Houston.
Some countries which may be reached directly in the Souther and Northern America are:
- Canada
- Mexico
- Belize
- Brazil
- and Argentina.
We may have direct flight to European cities (countries) such as:
- Paris (France)
- Frankfurt (Germany).
- Amsterdam (Netherland)
- and London (UK)
Other countries that could be connected from Houston transit airport include Qatar, China, Japan, New Zealand and Ethiopia.
Do you have a favorite airport?
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