We saw a falcon at the yard, unfortunately she can't fly. After approaching the bird, we saw anklets on her feet.
Why is this bird wearing anklets?
Wildlife rehabilitators and Falconers use anklets on bird's feet to prevent falcons to chase certain preys in which they shouldn't do that.
Other reasons that to make falcons safe, to keep them from getting lost and to prevent them from flying away.
Some wildlife rehabilitators have attached the anklets with bells or radio transmitters. The bells will ring, so rehabilitators to hear and know the bird whereabout.
In case of radio transmitters, wildlife rehabilitators or falconers could use it to track location of the bird.
The bird can't fly; it is because of some possibilities that are incorrect anklets (too tight, too loose or too heavy), and the falcon could be sick or injured. She might be not able to fly even without anklets.
Finally, we called the nearby wildlife rehabilitator to take care the bird.
Have you seen a bird with anklets?
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