The average temperature in our city, Baton Rouge, LA is about F 86 (C 30) degree, will be warmer and warmer by next coming weeks.
It means summer has been coming, or bikini and swimsuit times at least at our neighborhood.
One of our neighborhood has a sign, a goose with pink outfit to welcome summer season. The sign has been a while, and hopefully nobody messes with it. So the neighbor can continue to dress her for the occasion, and off course, more outfits to come.
Many neighbors love the goose and welcome it to the neighborhood, and said that is a good idea.
Actually, the goose, Canadian geese is a symbol of summer because we may saw flock of geese in our neighborhood during warmer season.
What is a sign of summer in your neighborhood?
## Previous postings:
- Have you Tasted Tamarind Fruit or Juice? - Part 1 - Food Variety 27 | Tanza Erlambang Update
- We Spotted Coyote in Our Neighborhood – Critter 28 | Tanza Erlambang Update
- How Could Scientists Cure AIDS Patients? - Part 1 – Virus 40 | Tanza Erlambang Update
- The 24 Hour Emergency Service - Sign 29 | Tanza Erlambang Update
- Do you Want to Have Forever Puppies? - Part 2 – Critter 27 | Tanza Erlambang Update