Duskywings Butterfly in the Southern States – Critter 23

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Interestingly, there are contradict reports about the presents of Duskywings butterfly in Canada. One report said no recorded of Duskywings in Canada.

Fig 01- A Duskywings flies in the garden

I believe with reported from USGS (1999: Butterfly of North America), Duskywing was detected in the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario, Canada

However, yes, we may see this butterfly flies around from Northern to Southern states of the USA.

As reported by Mass Audubon (2022: Butterfly Atlas Species Accounts) that limit of duskywings distribution is “in extreme southern New Hampshire.”

I observed a quite number of duskywings during summer seasons when I visit gardens and parks in my city, Louisiana.

Image 2- A butterfly on the back of window

Image 3- A duskiwings on the flowers

They are abundant in the areas of Gulf of Mexico, parts of Louisiana and Mississippi states.

Duskiwings fly and have habitats in other southern states as well, include the states of:

- Texas

- Alabama

- Georgia

- and Florida

Erynnis sp is known duskywings genus. This genus has at least 17 species in the USA.

Do you know about duskywings butterfly? Do you see in your areas?

# Previous posting:

- Tea for Diabetes Patients – Diabetes 24 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Hay Stacks in the Small Farmer Market – Part 1

Saturday, November 19, 2022

I know and you might understand as well that hay is “a good food” for different type of livestock.

Image 1- Hay stacks for sale

The livestock which eat hay in the winter or during long drought may include like:

- cows

- horses

- and sheep

Hay for food has two types: lighter and heavier, but both fairly cheap in respect for price.

Image 2- Outdoor, Illustration only

The heavier ones contain higher protein. It is said that “alfalfa hay” may contain protein up to 21%, higher compared to grass hay.

The grass hay may contain protein about 10% only, or even less than 10%, depend on many factors.

Image 3- Stacks of hay in the corner

In addition to nutritious value, people look for dryness of hay. We might wonder: Why?

It is because dryness relates to quality, since wet hay means easy to be destroyed or rotten by mold.

To be easy to be dried and stored, many people choose round than square bales. Round bales also easier to wrap with plastic.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

- Disappearing and Reappearing of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Algae and Weed on the City Park Lake | Tanza Erlambang Update

Is America still Nation Producing Cotton?

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

You might be knowing the song title “Cotton Field” written by Huddie Ledbetter in 1940 to “depict” life in the states that produce cotton.

Fig 01- Cotton field in Mississippi

The USA is a prominent country to produce white cotton in the world around 1800’s., but now, India and China are the most to produce cotton.

If we travel to southern states such as Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama or Tennessee nowadays, then we will see cotton fields along the roads.

It seems “cotton is back!”

In 2021, America has produced 17.8 million bales cotton, equal to 4.3 million metric tons.

Fig 02- Pitcher, just for illustration

Fig 03- Stalks with white cotton

Two top cotton production countries in the world as of 2022:

- China, 6.4 million tons

- India, 6.2 million tons

My understanding, cotton is used for textile industries extensively to produce many things from clothes to bed sheets to towel to jackets and many more.

Interestingly, cotton is also used for other purposes: cotton seeds for animal food, plastics, oil, rubber and human cosmetics.

Have you ever seen cotton field?

# Previous postings:

- Why Friendship may Improve Healthy Heart? - Heart 7 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Rising and Falling of Prices during Covid-19 Pandemic – Virus 13 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fresh Mangoes in the US Market – Part 1 - Food Variety 25

Sunday, November 13, 2022

A lot of mango types can be found in the USA market from spring to early fall. They are mainly imported from Mexico.

Fig 01- Mango from Mexico

It is surprising fact for me that those mangoes are not Mexican indigenous fruit, but introduced by British from a tropical country, Philippine around 200 or 300 years ago.

Then, the mangoes have grown very well in Mexico and other parts of South America regions.

Sure, there are many countries have exported mangoes to lucrative USA markets.

Fig 02- Honey mangoes in the net

It is estimated, revenue from fresh mangoes in USA market is about US$ 493 millions in 2020.

Fig 03- A half cut of sweet mango

Comparing to previous years, import of mango is increasing year by year in term of US$ values.

In addition to Mexico, other Latin countries which export mango to USA market are Ecuador, Peru, Haiti, Brazil and Guatemala.

USA also imports mango from some Asian countries such as Thailand, Pakistan and India.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

- Why We Should not Feed Monkeys with Banana? | Tanza Erlambang

- Updates of Vaccines to Combat Covid-19 – Virus 12 | Tanza Erlambang

- Do You Know that an Owl Flies Without Sounds? | Tanza Erlambang

Do you Know Cardio Kickboxing? - Sign 24

Friday, November 11, 2022

The words “Cardio Kickboxing” is new for me. I saw a sign from an organization to give a class in the public park

Fig 01- A sign of Cardio Kickboxing

I don’t know the words of Cardio Kickboxing. After searching through internet, I found interesting things.

In fact Cardio Kickboxing is created by Frank Thiboutot in 1992, about 30 years ago. Thiboutot was from Maine, and living in Kansas now.

Cardio Kickboxing is workout that mix between fast moving cardio and martial arts, hence this is a kind of high energy exercises.

Then, is Cardio Kickboxing popular?

Fig 02- Painting by local artist

Yes, Cardio Kickboxing is popular workout in the USA recently.

Data from Statista (2017) showed the participants was 6.7 million people across America in 2017. The number fluctuates year by year.

Fig 03- Two kids, just for illustration

Comparing to “martial arts,” the number is not bad. From the same source (Statista, 2021), there are about 6.3 million participants.

Fig 04- Two dogs, illustration only

As you know, the martial arts include:

- Karate

- Taekwondo

- Judo

- Ju Jitsu

- and others

Do you familiar with Cardio Kickboxing?

# Previous postings:

- Effect of Drink Chia Seeds for Diabetes Patients – Diabetes 23 | Tanza

- Do You Know this Kind of Animal? - Greater Vogelkop Superb Bird of Paradise - part 2 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Is Remdesivir a Potential Drug Against Covid-19? - Virus 11 | Tanza Erlambang

Pollinators which Love Coleus Plants – Critter 22

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

I have seen different colors and shapes of Coleus plants in the gardens across our city.

Fight 01- Bright colors of Coleus plant.

I found some colors of Coleus plant leaves are:

- yellow

- pink

- green

- red

- purple, orange, etc

What make me wonder that from several sources that there is no blue color for Coleus leaves. I don’t know why.

Fig 02- Hummingbirds, a pollinator

Basically, the plants respond to light:

- more light cause darker colors

- less light makes plant brighter

Fig 03- Butterfly, a beautiful pollinator

The plant, actually, is including in mint family. They are great air purifiers as indoor plants.

Fig 04- A bee could interest to any blooming plants

In our states, Louisiana, the plant could “blooming” until late summer. The blooming time is quite longer compared to some other plants.

Fig 05- Dark colors of Coleus plant

Since plants can’t take cold, under F 50 (C 10) degrees. We might grow in the indoor pots under bright light.

Then bring plants outdoors in the spring when temperature warm enough (higher than F 50 or C 10 degrees).

The blooming Coleus plants are very attractive to pollinators:

- hummingbirds

- butterfly

- bees

- and other pollinators

Have you seen this plant?

If yes, what colors do you see?

Why are these Foods Stolen? - Part 2 – Food Variety 23

Monday, November 7, 2022

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Why are These Types of Foods Stolen? - Part 1 – Food Variety 23 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01- Chocolates sold in a grocery

How about the food lost in the world?

Sure, much more compared to America in terms of percentage and total economic value.

What quite surprising me that food loss is due to stolen by customers, not only from groceries and retailers, but also from restaurants.

However, main thefts of restaurants are their own employee, very rare done by customers!

Fig 02- Iced tea, just for illustration

Fig 03- Candies, one of favorite foods

Fig 04- Fresh meat in the market.

There is long list of foods stolen worldwide, some of most shoplift items are:

- cheese and chocolate

- fresh meat

- alcohol

- seafood

- infant formula

The question then: Why are these foods stolen by people?

Quick and simple answer is that they are “lucrative goods,” especially in developing countries where not all people can afford them.

# Previous postings:

- Is Herd Immunity without Vaccine the Worst Strategy? - Virus 9 | Tanza

- Should We Get Covid-19 Antibody Test to Avoid Lock-down? - Virus 10 | Tanza

- Do You Know this Kind of Animal? - part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update