When I have several cats long long time ago, I love to watch their behaviors in responds to human being.
Sure, there are many interesting signs of cats, however, I noticed several important signs that are:
- wagging their tail when they are approaching and following me
- curling their tails around my legs
- kissing or little biting on my finger's feet.
# You may read:
- A Little dog on the Street – Critters 2 | Tanza Erlambang Update
- Squirrels Population in our Neighborhood – Critters 3 | Tanza Erlambang
As I read from some resources and search through Google that meaning of above 3 signs are:
- to love
- to attract attention
- and eager to make friendship with their owners.
Then, how do cats behaviors to show their love, attention and wish to make friendship with their owners (adopter)?
# To be continued to part 2
## Previous postings:
- How Authoritarian, Cult or Abusive Leaders Created Their Fervent Supporters?
- Did Fear Make Some People be Late Persons? | Tanza Erlambang Update
- Wallace's Flying Frog of South East Asian Countries | Tanza Erlambang