Less Books in the Box – Sign 17

Friday, July 29, 2022

I believe that you know about swap books program, where books are stored in the little box or little library.

Fig 01- Sign to return book

This little box is attached on the corner of our community or neighborhood or put at any location that easy to be accessed.

The code that if we first time in the system, then we may take one, then we must put one.

The swap books program will success if all concern community follow the rule (agreements).

Fig 02- Books in the little box

Fig 03- Just few books

Fig 04- A paper notice on the window

Unfortunately, the sign to “please return a book” is appearing in glass window of little library one day.

It is mean that some people just take one without swap, or she or he forgets to return for a while.

I noticed that the number of books looks less and less day by day in the last several months.

Since this swap program has been work very well more than 5 years in our neighborhood. Hope, and I believe that this “little” problem could be solved soon.

# Previous postings:

- What colors of Lobsters are Rare in Nature? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- China Turns Military Robots to Help Civilians | Tanza Erlambang Update

- The Butterfly Farm is One of Popular Tourist Destinations in Kentucky

- Why Many Big Cities are Sinking? | Tanza Erlambang Update

The Attractive Flower to Butterflies and Bees

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Duranta or Duranto repen is a shrub with blue, light blue and light purple colors. The flowers look like orchid flowers.

Fig 01- Duranta repen flowers

In addition to Duranta repen, this flower has several common names based on its characteristics, they are:

- Sky Flower

- Golden Dewdrop

- Pigeon Berry

- Geisah girl (Japan’s breed)

Why Duranta repen is one of attractive flower to butterflies and bees?

Fig 02- Lovely color of Duranta repen

One reason is that Duranta repen included in shrubs. The shrubs usually provide:

- succession blooming throughout growing seasons. In case of Duranta repen, the flower has long blooming, from spring to frost.

- good quality nectar

- pollen

This flower is easily found in many countries around the world as an ornamental plant in the gardens, especially in tropical and subtropical regions.

Fig 03- Duranta repen as a shrub

Even thought Duranta repen has been naturalized in many areas, the origin of flower from:

- Mexico

- other South American countries

- the Caribbean

Fig 04- A Butterfly flying

In the USA, this flower grow well in the states such as:

- California

- Arizona

- Texas

- Louisiana

- Mississippi

- Alabama

- Florida

Do you know about Duranta repen? Is there this flower in your place?

# Previous postings:

- The Short Story of Japanese Kino Enigmatic Life – Part 1 | Tanza Erlambang

- Can America Buy Greenland from Denmark? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- What is the Relationship between Eggs and Diabetes? - Diabetes 2 | Tanza

- Do You Know the Meaning of Your Dreams? | Tanza Erlambang Update

Small Business at Nearby Neighborhood – Part 2

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Small Business at Nearby our Neighborhood – Part 1 | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01- Donuts sold in the shop

We love to eat in our favorite restaurants before covid 19 pandemic. Some provided international or certain ethnic menus.

For breakfast, we bought donuts sometimes. Sure, we consume local ones, not well famous brands such as “Dunkin Donuts.”

The price ranges from US$ 1.66 to US$ 15.99 for a dozen donuts, reasonable price, we guess.

Fig 02- One of my favorite donuts

Fig 03- Local product of Doughnut shop

Some of our Doughnut favorites are:

- Glaze

- Chocolate

- Apple fritter

- Cinnamon role

- Donuts holes

Doughnut's shops could sell coffee, juice, bottle water, soft drinks and other goods for additional profits

How about with local business in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

- Why Walking Regularly Make You Live Longer? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- How many Countries Include in Live Longer Zones? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- What Food Should We Try While in Japan? - part 2 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Is Denmark World Leader in Wind Energy? | Tanza Erlambang Update

Declining Population of Mammals with Cube Feces

Saturday, July 16, 2022

You may read previous posting about animal with square feces:

- Have you Seen Cube Feces Animals in Nature? | Tanza Erlambang Update

Fig 01- A décor bear, illustration

From searching through Google that there are 3 species of wombat living across the Australia continent:

- the common wombat

- the northern hairy-nosed wombat

- the southern hairy-nosed

Not surprise that wombats are enlisted as endangered species with population continue to decline since 1980s.

Fig 02- A wombat with a baby (credit to YouTube)

Fig 03- One of wombat cube poop (credit to Imgur)

Sadly, one species called as northern hairy-nosed wombat with scientific name Lasiorhinus krefftii is assumed extinct in the state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia.

The facts about wombat feces (sources from internet):

- feces was formed at the last part of intestines

- feces is dry, contain 60% water compared to human feces with 80% water

- cube shape is advantage than round feces to communicate, if placed on top of objects.

Finally, have you seen wombats and their feces in any places include zoos?

# Previous postings:

- Do You Like to Insert Microchip in Your Brain? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Over Crowded Tourists on Crucial Objects | Tanza Erlambang Update

- What is Inside Stupa of the Buddha Temple of Borobudur? | Tanza Erlambang

- What Food Should We Try While in Japan? - part 1 | Tanza Erlambang

Our Yards are Visited by Bees Regularly – Critter 12

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The number of bee keepers is about 200,000 to handle production of 156 million pound honey in the USA yearly.

Fig 01- A bee flying over the plants

Surprisingly, America is both as honey bee importer and exporter country. In term of export, USA include in top 5 honey bee exporter in the world.

Main destination of American honey are following countries:

- Canada

- Japan

- South Korea

- Philippine

- Kuwait

Fig 02- One of flower in the yard

Honestly, I don’t know how many bee keepers in our city, Baton Rouge, LA. One report (Bee Happy – The Rise of Urban Beekeeping in Baton Rouge, 201) said that there are increasing of beekeeping in our city recently.

Image 3- A bee sips nectar from flowers

In fact, we could find fresh honeybee sold in the bottles or jars in the farmer market with reasonable price at any time, especially during Spring and Summer seasons.

Coincidence or not, we observe a lot of bees visit our yards (back and front yard) in these seasons.

Sure, they sip nectar and consume pollen from our flowers and fruits. As you know that they do pollination.

Bee is one of the greatest pollinators, they contribute very much on colorful of flowers and fruit productions.

# Previous postings:

- Is it Norm to Hire Underage Workers in Developing Countries? - part 1 | Tanza

- Is Aarhus, Denmark the Happiest City in the World? | Tanza Erlambang

- Hurricane Barry Made Landfall in Louisiana Recently | Tanza Erlambang

- Daycare Center for Pet in Our City | Tanza Erlambang Update

What is Tang Soo Do? - Sign 16

Monday, July 11, 2022

The words of Tang Soo Do are new for me. I just familiar with Japanese words of “Karate Do.” 

Fig 01- Sign of art in motion and Tang Soo Do

As you might know that the words of Karate Do from three Japanese words with the following meaning:

- Kara means empty

- Te means hand

- and Do means way

You may see the words of “Tang Soo Do” from above sign. I believe that it is kind of martial art.

Fig 02- Yellow elder, blooming.

Fig 03- Walking Iris

From internet searching, I find following facts about Tang Soo Do:

- Yes, it is a martial art and comes from Korea

- Tang Soo Do is developed based on Japanese Karate Do

However, I never seen this martial art on the stage, hence, I don’t know the different between Korean Tang Soo Do and Japanese Karate Do.

Moreover, Tang Soo Do is not qualify for summer Olympics. There are six martial art qualify for Olympics: karate do, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, Boxing, and fencing.

Do you know Tang Soo Do?

# Previous postings:

- Reliefs on the Largest Buddha Temple in the World, Borobudur – part 1 | Tanza

- Why Medical Students Need Specific Social Media? - Part 2 | Tanza

- Can We Get Drone under US$100? | Tanza Erlambang Update

- What Effect of Diversity Patrons on the Arts in the 15th-18th centuries? - part 1

Cutting the Tree Before Hurricane Coming – Part 1

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Our state, Louisiana is one of states hit most by hurricanes. Totally 54 hurricanes since 1851 with categories range from 3 to 5.

Fig- 01- Busted and broken tree.

We have 3 trees in front of our house. Squirrels, birds and some other critters use these trees as their:

- shelter

- play areas (branches)

- site for reproduction (nesting for birds)

- resting

- hiding from predators

- source of foods

Fig 02- An insect on the leave

We love to observe these critters, usually in the morning or afternoon while drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

Fig- 03- Falling part of broken tree

Unfortunately, the trees seem have been “decayed” due to fungi diseases, and even one of them busted and destroyed recently.

We got hurricane Ida last year. Our neighborhood not really in good shape yet like before disaster.

Then, we decided to cut all these trees down, the day before hurricane Ida “visit” our areas.

This Hurricane was estimated as category 3, where the wind could reach 115 mph (185 km per hour). Deadly wind actually.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

- Why “Blue Blood” is Cost for US$ 60 Thousand per Gallon? | Tanza Erlambang

- An Orphan Baby Girl Dugong Needs a Warm Hug | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Are there Jobs With Salary US$80,000 Without College Degree?

- Why Salvador Dali Museum as a Wish List to Visit before Die?