I never interest to own guns or any dangerous weapons for whatever reasons, hence, I don’t know about licenses or rules to have one.
Just few weeks ago, I saw the sign at University lake of our city:
- Firearm free campus zone
I search through internet: what is it mean?
Louisiana State legislature imposed restriction to carry a firearm or a dangerous weapon.
The restrictions apply to three main areas:
1) Schools
2) Specific design areas
3) a firearm-free zone
In respect to schools or campus, the restrictions include in areas school property, school transportation, at school-sponsored functions (athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities) and within one thousand feet of any school campus.
A firearm-free zone usually apply to areas near by schools or a campus. It is reasonable that I found “a sign at University lake of our city.”
Who violated this rule, both students and non-students will face quite harsh sentences:
- shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars
- or imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not less than one year nor more than five years, or both.
This rule makes me more and more discourage to have firearms or dangerous weapons.
I don’t understand why “so easy” to access guns or dangerous weapons in the America!
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