I believe all of us have ever consumed honey, but, some may not love it. However, demand for honey is increasing year by year.
Based on report from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2020, honey production increase by 2%, make total production to be 157 million pounds.
The states with higher honey productions are following:
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- California
- Montana
- Florida
- Texas
- Minnesota
- Michigan
- Louisiana
Interestingly, not only honey, but live bees also be traded, locally and internationally.
- Egypt
- Slovakia
- Belgium
- United States of America (USA)
- Canada
In term of pollination, bees have vital roles in many economic plants for human consumption.
Quite amazing that a bee could pollinate 5,000 flowers a day. They pollinated many our daily foods such as:
- apples
- cranberries
- melons
- broccoli
- cherry
- almond
Hope, bees will continue their job!!