We may not able to avoid chili in daily live, it is because chilis are every where whether we aware or not.
Chili could be consumed in fresh form (chopped or sliced) or in many other forms such as:
- sauces
- seasoning
- dressing
- spice powder
Quite surprising for me that there are 4,000 chili varieties in the world. The plant is native to South America region.
These spices are fruit, not vegetable. They are grown and traded since 6,000 years ago.
People have grown chili in almost all part of the world today. Top countries to produce chili are following:
- China, produces about 16.1 million tonnes per year.
- Mexico, 2.7 million tonnes
- Turkey, 2.1 million tonnes.
- Indonesia, 1.9 tonnes.
In term of scientific name, chili includes in genus Capsicum with five main species:
- Capsicum annuum.
- Capsicum baccatum.
- Capsicum chinense.
- Capsicum frutescens.
- Capsicum pubescens.
We have chili trees in our backyard. Easy to maintain or take care. We harvest its almost every day and use its as food seasonings. Very fresh.
Do you love chili? What kind of chili do you like?