A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

Monday, February 24, 2025
We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago. 

Fig - A flock of Robins 

We have increased our bird feeding. But fewer birds come. Moreover, our own observations show that when we moved 20 years ago, our bird count was about 25 different species at our backyard. Now, 2025, the number was down to about 10 species only.

Decreasing of bird population might relate to:
- Less flyover territory because of urbanization.
- Loss of trees and wild areas where birds can feed and nest.
- Some problems still with pesticides.
- Loss of insect diversity is a huge problem for birds and many other animals

Did you see decreasing number of bird population in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Good post. The ones in our neighborhood might be too overweight to fly.

  2. Good to read these facts about the decreases in flyovers of birds.

  3. ...I hope to see robins when spring arrives.

    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  4. The facts you listed are accurate for the birds but. It is sad to know that they are having to find new habitat areas. In our area, we pretty much have the same situation. Have a good week Tanza...

    1. sad for wildlife .....

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  6. There is definitely a decrease in the birds here as well as the butterflies. We have a few bird feeders out in the winter as well and hope the robins will be visiting soon!

    1. indeed..... nature changes due to human activities ...

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  7. Oh so cute these robins this remembers to me The Secret Garden Film

  8. Oh very cute these robins
    This remember me the Secret garden Film

    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  9. Shame that the numbers of birds is declining - but it a common story.
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. The American robins are adorable - we saw one when we visited Central Park last year. That's when I learned that they are not related to "our" European robins...
    We are also seeing a decline in bird populations here, although a lot is being done to create habitats for insects. I hope these measures have not come too late. There is also a die-off of some tree species here (due to climate change, some pests are multiplying and the trees are also getting less water and becoming too weak to defend themselves against the pests). The trees are being cleared on a large scale to prevent other tree species from infecting them. This also reduces the breeding opportunities for the birds.
    All the best from Austria, Traude

    1. yes, they .....
      glad to hear you just see European Robin

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  12. OMG this is so depressing. I have not noticed as I do not live in my own house with a back yard but this does not sound good at all. There are too many people on the planet.

    Allie of

    1. many people, and they destroyed many things...

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  14. This is such a wonderful soothing sight!

    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  15. We are trying. In my family we are feeding them the whole winter here in Poland.

    1. great...

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  16. Aw, hate to hear the birds aren't stopping by! Makes me so sad for the future.

    1. unfortunately .....

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  17. I live in Italy and I live in and area where they have cut down all the trees and planted vineyards ( the famous Prosecco wine) and most of bees died, most of dragonflies, fireflies and most of birds were poisoned too with pesticides. You should know that when you buy Prosecco. It's a wine full of sulphites and pesticides. They have cut down many Woods to plant vineyards and this Is very bad for out Life and for birds and insects.☹️

    1. unfortunately ......

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  18. Hi!
    So sad that the birds don't go there like in the past, but I am glad some of them still come to eat
    have a nice day ♥

    1. the number getting lower and lower .....

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  19. Hello,
    The number and species of birds is on the decline, very sad to see.
    I love the Robins at your birdbath. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. due to human activity.....

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
      We believed number of birds coming to our neighborhood tend to decrease than few years ago.

  20. We seem to have a lot of birds in this part of Florida so I've not seen a decline. Love the Robins!

    1. Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92

  21. Beautiful shot of the robins! Habitat loss is a big issue.

    1. seem occur everywhere .....

      Thank you-
      A flock of Robins at our Birdbath - Critter 92
