The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

Monday, October 14, 2024
There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

Fig 01- Wild Geese.

Unfortunately, these geese will only do "their business" on the sidewalk close to the retention pond.

It requires an excellent hop- scotched to not come home with "something extra" (goose poop) on your shoes.

Sort of an analogy for life troubles - sometimes you hop over it, sometimes steps smack into it!

There might be a natural product that could be sprayed on the walkway monthly which would deter them from using it.

Fig 02 - Goose poop on the walking path. 

We saw Goose Stopper, liquid repellent sold in Home Depot with reasonable price, but we don't know the effective of liquid for keeping geese off the walking path.

Fig 03 - Goose Stopper, liquid repellent 

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. I don't like the poos on pathway lol

    1. Neither do I....

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

  3. Oh, a nice family of geese, but I know it can be a problem too..especially if they chase after you.

  4. Good to see your post. Usually, we only have them down at the pond in the park or at the river..and of course, the zoo. Poo can be a problem.

    1. problem and annoying......

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  5. ...they are eating and pooping machines!

    1. lol....

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

  6. Good luck! -Christine

    1. Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  7. Goose poop was the bane of my existence as a kid! They were all over the pond across the street from where I grew up.

    1. unfortunately....

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  9. I'm guessing it would be worth a try to use this product. How odd that they choose the walkway instead of the grassy area. I saw a big family of geese just this morning...they are really very pretty

    1. they are pretty, actually......

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

  10. Years ago where I worked we had a lot of them by the ponds and it was like a minefield! They tried everything but nothing worked. One had to be extra careful when the babies came as they were very protected and would chase after you!!

    1. scary to be chased by geese....

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  11. Canada Geese. They are all over here.

    1. Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
      There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

  12. The Canada Geese are everywhere, they do seem to leave lots of droppings.
    You have to be careful where you walk. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend!

  13. They are fun to have around...but messy neighbors! lol

    1. 😁😁

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

  14. This is always a problem here near the train station too because there are also a couple of geese here and they seem to belong here but the poop is really not nice sometimes. It is cleaned up regularly by the municipality. Some geese were even taken away and placed elsewhere but they just come back.

    1. the problem with wild animals is that they become adaptable to the environment of urban areas.....

      Thank you-
      The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80
