The Goose Poop on the Walking Path - Critter 80

Monday, October 14, 2024
There is a family of geese lives permanently around our neighborhood retention pond. Others come and go.

Fig 01- Wild Geese.

Unfortunately, these geese will only do "their business" on the sidewalk close to the retention pond.

It requires an excellent hop- scotched to not come home with "something extra" (goose poop) on your shoes.

Sort of an analogy for life troubles - sometimes you hop over it, sometimes steps smack into it!

There might be a natural product that could be sprayed on the walkway monthly which would deter them from using it.

Fig 02 - Goose poop on the walking path. 

We saw Goose Stopper, liquid repellent sold in Home Depot with reasonable price, but we don't know the effective of liquid for keeping geese off the walking path.

Fig 03 - Goose Stopper, liquid repellent 

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

The Spider Lily at Walking Track Side - Gardening and Hobby 56

Saturday, October 5, 2024
The category 2 hurricane Francine with speed 96 to 110 mph (154 to 177 km/hours), made landfall in our state Louisiana in the last September 2024. 

Fig 01 - The wild Spider Lily grows well 

Hurricane Francine caused significant flooding in our state. The storm inflicted moderate damage before rapidly weakening into a tropical storm, and then a tropical depression when reached another state, Mississippi.

Surprisingly, we saw Spider lilies popped out on the day after Francine went through. "Mother Nature" has pretty good timing.

In addition to Spider lily, the plant has other names:
- Hurricane lily
- Naked lady

Fig 02 - The wild Spider Lily

They are called as Naked ladies; it is because the flower head is obvious any foliage. Their colors also in yellow and pink.

Fig 03 - The Spider Lily at Walking Track.

Do you know about spider lily?

# Previous postings: