The Rusted Hydrants - Sign 76

Thursday, September 5, 2024
 The firefighters used the fire hydrant on the corner of Antioch and Monitor in our neighborhood areas.

Fig 01 - Out of service

The firefighters were able to swiftly access the necessary water from the hydrant at Antioch and Monitor.

Fire hydrants, particularly those with monitor nozzles, are essential for delivering a controlled, high- velocity water stream to effectively fight fires.

Now the fire hydrant is marked with an out of service tag. This really concerns many of our neighbors.

They haven't been maintained in years. Almost certainly, the hydrants will not work when you need them most.

Fig 02 - The rusted hydrant

When was the last time they were ready tested?

Not sure

Fig 03 - The hydrant needed to be replaced

We should call the city, mayor, local fire department, and city commissioner as well as state officials to replace these hydrants.

# Previous postings:


  1. The rusted hydrants are good for photography

  2. Good idea to call. Definitely, something you want ready. Thanks for the post!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be on the lookout around here. Good to know.

  4. I don't think I have ever seen fire hydrants in such need of being serviced. This would be a great concern for me. Hope that this need to taken care of for the safety of the people.

  5. Thanks for your sharing have a lovely weekend

  6. The hydrant doesn't look good at all.
    Hope you can do something about it.

  7. That's not good! Your neighborhood should get a petition together to have it repaired before it is needed!

  8. They do look very rusty, and I think you are right that they likely wouldn't work should there be an emergency. A scary thought!

  9. I would hope they check all the hydrants to make sure they work properly before a disaster happens. Have a great day!

  10. Nice post about a thing we would normally ignore.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. Wow, that is scary AF. A few years ago my neighbors garage caught fire, there was a raging fire in the back yard and they didn't know as they were in the front room with the AC on. Luckily the fire department out the fire but they did indeed use the hydrants.

    Allie of

  12. I hope they get out there to fix it for you all! This is something absolutely essential in case of emergency; not something to be slacked on!
