The Great Egret around Neighborhood - Critter 78

Saturday, September 14, 2024
 Our state, Louisiana has several species of egrets, one of them is Great Egret with scientific name Ardea alba.

Fig 01- A Great Egret, walking around.

The egret is a common wading bird found in our state, especially near bodies of water, just seen again around neighborhood.

The birds are distinguished by their pristine white plumage. Great Egret features a long, S-shaped neck, a trait typical of herons and egrets.

The great egrets are characterized by their long, yellow bills. These birds are relatively large as depicted by the images.

Fig 02 - The long neck bird.

Where do you see this kind of bird?

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The Rusted Hydrants - Sign 76

Thursday, September 5, 2024
 The firefighters used the fire hydrant on the corner of Antioch and Monitor in our neighborhood areas.

Fig 01 - Out of service

The firefighters were able to swiftly access the necessary water from the hydrant at Antioch and Monitor.

Fire hydrants, particularly those with monitor nozzles, are essential for delivering a controlled, high- velocity water stream to effectively fight fires.

Now the fire hydrant is marked with an out of service tag. This really concerns many of our neighbors.

They haven't been maintained in years. Almost certainly, the hydrants will not work when you need them most.

Fig 02 - The rusted hydrant

When was the last time they were ready tested?

Not sure

Fig 03 - The hydrant needed to be replaced

We should call the city, mayor, local fire department, and city commissioner as well as state officials to replace these hydrants.

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