The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
We have the variety of figs that can produce two terms in the year.  Like other typical figs, the harvesting seasons from June to early September.  

Fig 01- The fig fruit in the box

However, several varieties have second season in the Fall. The Brown Turkey fig is an example of the variety with two crops per year, Summer and Fall. This variety is well known for its sweetness.

3 favorites fig varieties in our area, Baton Rouge are O'Rourke, Champagne, Tiger and LSU Gold. 

We love O'Rourke variety; it is because the fruit is sweet flavor. The figs have a brown (beonze) skin with medium sized. The variety season is around Summer to early Fall.

Fig 02- The fig fruit on the hand.

The O'Rourke figs, we think are delicious fresh, dried, or cooked. Sure, we love fresh the most.

Fig 03- The fresh fig fruit, just picked them.

Have you tasted the fig? What do you think?

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35
      We have the variety of figs that can produce two terms in the year. Like other typical figs, the harvesting seasons from June to early September.

  2. My grandmother used to have a fig tree back in Texas, but I was never really fond of them. Of course, she enjoyed them. I didn't know they had 2 seasons.

    1. I just familiar with figs

      Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35

  3. I had figs this morning at breakfast! I'd like to make jam with black figs.

    1. glad to hear....

      Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35
      We have the variety of figs that can produce two terms in the year. Like other typical figs, the harvesting seasons from June to early September.

  4. Replies
    1. me too...

      Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35

  5. Fig jam is very popular in my here :) thanks for your sharing...

  6. Figs are good but too ... sweet for me.

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35
      We have the variety of figs that can produce two terms in the year. Like other typical figs, the harvesting seasons from June to early September.

  7. I've never really had figs much but they sound super healthy.

  8. Does the Brown Turkey fig come from Turkiye?

    1. from the Mediterranean ...could be from Turkiye too

      Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35

  9. A mi no me gustan los higos, pero a mi pareja le encanta. Besos

    1. Thank you-
      The Fig Season in the City - Food Variety 35
