Could Scientists Develop Un-hackable Computers? - Part 1

Sunday, January 22, 2023

We may be hearing, watching or reading about hacking or data stolen by hackers almost every day.

Fig 01- Laptop computer, just for illustration.

As you know, the bad things that hackers not only access to our computer to steal whatever inside our computer, but they could also control our computer networks and then prevent us to access our own computer systems.

Strangely, the hackers have specific targets, and changed over the years. Just recent weeks, hackers targeted public infrastructures.

The reasons that infrastructure companies to be targeted it is because hackers have political and even security motivated.

Fig 02- The watch on the street, illustration

In addition, infrastructures are easy target because they have outdated computer systems.

Fig 03- Coneflower, illustration

Moreover, the most sectors to be targeted in recent years are following:

- Banking and financial institutions

- Healthcare organizations

- IT and Telecom

- Government and Military

- Retails

- Education and research institutes

Fig 04- Computers sold in Walmart, illustration

The legitimate question then, Could Scientists Develop Unhackable Computers in the coming future?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

- The Origin of Cup Cake– Food Variety 8

- Virulence of Covid 19 Variants in Japan

- Why is Cat Vomiting Frequently? - Gardening and Hobby 18 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- Chocolate Covered Strawberry from Neighborhood – Food Variety 9 | Tanza Erlambang Update

- May Covid 19 Reduce Men’s Fertility? - Virus 36 | Tanza Erlambang Update


  1. My friends from cyber security sector says there is no unbreakable systems

  2. Hello,
    I wish, but the Hackers seem to always find a way. Have a great new week!

  3. ...tis sure is a complex subject.

  4. Great post, Tanza! Unfortunately, hackers also targeted public administration in developed countries!
    Have a nice week :-)

    1. yes, indeed....

      Thanks to visit my post-
      Could Scientists Develop Unhackable Computers? - Part 1
      We may be hearing, watching or reading about hacking or data stolen by hackers almost every day.

  5. Interesting post.
    Have a nice day.

    1. Thank you for visiting-
      Could Scientists Develop Unhackable Computers? - Part 1
      We may be hearing, watching or reading about hacking or data stolen by hackers almost every day...

  6. I wish they could but I doubt it! I'll keep hoping!

  7. Scary how hackers can wreck so much things.

  8. My blog was hacked once, it was such a hassle.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Could Scientists Develop Unhackable Computers? - Part 1
      We may be hearing, watching or reading about hacking or data stolen by hackers almost every day.

  9. Interesting post, I love read it
    thanks for sharing all of these information

  10. Un post interesante, gracias por la información. Besos

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Could Scientists Develop Unhackable Computers? - Part 1
      We may be hearing, watching or reading about hacking or data stolen by hackers almost every day.
