What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

Monday, March 29, 2021

Fig 01- Three Duck playing at road side

Number of waterfowl hunters about 900,000 in the USA, but they killed 31 millions duck each years. Quite surprising number for me.

Some states with higher duck killed, sometimes not correlated to number of active duck hunters with licenses.

From The Duck Blog (2017), here the list of states with higher average duck killed by a hunter per year:

- Mississippi

- Tennessee

- Oregon

- Louisiana

- Idaho

- Washington

- Arkansas

- California.

Fig 02- Canadian geese are swimming

Then, What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?

Fig 03- Two ducks on the grass

Federal duck stamps or licenses are source of income for federal and states government.

Cost for federal stamps was US$ 28.5 (include transaction fees), and license fees are varies between state to state.

These income was designed for conservation efforts, especially in relate to:

- wildlife management

- new lands purchase for hunters

- research and education

Hunters or whoever interests with duck hunting may purchase federal stamps in many places:

- U.S. Post Offices

- Walmart

- some sporting and outdoor stores

- some national wildlife refuges

- online

Moreover, duck hunting is for sport purpose, and duck’s flesh is the main target for some duck hunters.

Have you ever hunting? Hunting for what animals? Deer, duck or what? 


  1. Oh, I don't hunt, but as a girl I had to pick up the dead birds and tear out the feathers as well as skin, cut and package deer meat. Something, I don't miss.

  2. We never hunted duck, but we like feeding them bread at the park.

    1. We should love nature...

      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 01- Three Duck playing at road side

      Number of waterfowl hunters about 900,000 in the USA, but they killed 31 millions duck each years. Quite surprising number for me.

      Some states with higher duck killed, sometimes not correlated to number of active duck hunters with licenses.

      From The Duck Blog (2017), here the list of states with higher average duck killed by a hunter per year:
      - Mississippi
      - Tennessee
      - Oregon
      - Louisiana
      - Idaho
      - Washington
      - Arkansas
      - California.

  3. I don't like the thought of hunting.

  4. Hunting is a very popular sport in the US. Many of my relatives in the South hunt many animals. I prefer to feed the ducks, deer and birds!

    1. I see ....

      Fig 02- Canadian geese are swimming

      Then, What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

      The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?

  5. So cute post, i love ducks


  6. Very interesting informations and photos 😊

  7. I never fished. Interesting information.

    1. I see....

      Fig 02- Canadian geese are swimming

      Then, What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

      The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?

  8. I've never hunted for animals. I like to see animals alive and well.

    1. Good...

      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 03- Two ducks on the grass

      Federal duck stamps or licenses are source of income for federal and states government.

      Cost for federal stamps was US$ 28.5 (include transaction fees), and license fees are varies between state to state.

      These income was designed for conservation efforts, especially in relate to:
      - wildlife management
      - new lands purchase for hunters
      - research and education

      Hunters or whoever interests with duck hunting may purchase federal stamps in many places:
      - U.S. Post Offices
      - Walmart
      - some sporting and outdoor stores
      - some national wildlife refuges
      - online

      Moreover, duck hunting is for sport purpose, and duck’s flesh is the main target for some duck hunters.

      Have you ever hunting? Hunting for what animals? Deer, duck or what?

  9. Oh NO, I love birds so duck hunting is sad. The only hunting I have done is fishing if one can call that hunting. Done it only once and I found it cruel, even putting the worms on. Animals should be free and safe.

  10. Interesting informations... thanks for your sharing...

    1. Thanks-
      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 01- Three Duck playing at road side

      Number of waterfowl hunters about 900,000 in the USA, but they killed 31 millions duck each years. Quite surprising number for me.

      Some states with higher duck killed, sometimes not correlated to number of active duck hunters with licenses.

      From The Duck Blog (2017), here the list of states with higher average duck killed by a hunter per year:
      - Mississippi
      - Tennessee
      - Oregon
      - Louisiana
      - Idaho
      - Washington
      - Arkansas
      - California.

  11. Hello!
    Great post.
    i really like your blog. I can see that it is written with passion and heart. Very inspiring!
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    Greetings from Poland!

  12. I do not like the idea of killing animals for sport. I understand there is a need for it sometime to control the population and keep the line healthy overall, but I would never, ever participate in the killing of an animal.

    1. I see...

      Fig 02- Canadian geese are swimming

      Then, What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

      The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?

  13. Really I don't like hunting...

    Have a nice week!

  14. I also don't understand that. I'm going to lake and feed duck because they are such a cool and funny animals.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2021/04/dior-diorskin-mineral-nude-bronze-003.html

  15. Replies
    1. nice to know...

      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 03- Two ducks on the grass

      Federal duck stamps or licenses are source of income for federal and states government.

      Cost for federal stamps was US$ 28.5 (include transaction fees), and license fees are varies between state to state.

      These income was designed for conservation efforts, especially in relate to:
      - wildlife management
      - new lands purchase for hunters
      - research and education

      Hunters or whoever interests with duck hunting may purchase federal stamps in many places:
      - U.S. Post Offices
      - Walmart
      - some sporting and outdoor stores
      - some national wildlife refuges
      - online

      Moreover, duck hunting is for sport purpose, and duck’s flesh is the main target for some duck hunters.

      Have you ever hunting? Hunting for what animals? Deer, duck or what?

  16. i love ducks! they are so cute

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  17. ¡¡Hola!! No me gusta la caza, nunca la he practicado. Entiendo la caza cuando hay superpoblación de animales, aquí sucede con los conejos, se comen todas las cosechas de los agricultores y hasta hacen muchos agujeros debajo de las autovías poniendo en peligro las estructuras. Es comprensible que se les deje cazar a los cazadores de forma controlada para controlar las plagas, pero no me gusta sólo por el hecho de hacerlo por placer. Saludos.

  18. Thanks for your interesting post
    Kisses ♥

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 01- Three Duck playing at road side

      Number of waterfowl hunters about 900,000 in the USA, but they killed 31 millions duck each years. Quite surprising number for me.

      Some states with higher duck killed, sometimes not correlated to number of active duck hunters with licenses.

      From The Duck Blog (2017), here the list of states with higher average duck killed by a hunter per year:
      - Mississippi
      - Tennessee
      - Oregon
      - Louisiana
      - Idaho
      - Washington
      - Arkansas
      - California.

  19. Hunting duck? Is it for food or others? I rarely eat duck, I often eat chicken like chicken soup or fried chicken. But, not duck.

    But, I wonder, is duck so expensive? Because I seldom find people sell fried duck, etc.

  20. Very interested article! Have a great evening! 🌸🌸🌸

  21. I never hunted and I only agree with hunting to control the number of animals !!


    1. the one of purposes, yes, to control population ....

      Fig 02- Canadian geese are swimming

      Then, What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?

      The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?

  22. I really don't understand hunting and what is interesting there. I feed ducks on my local lake.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2021/04/viktor-rolf-bonbon-vs-hugo-boss-scent.html

  23. So etwas sollte verboten werden, ich finde das Jagen egal welcher Tierart einfach nur furchtbar. LG Romy

    1. Thanks-
      What are Purposes of Duck Hunting?
      Fig 03- Two ducks on the grass

      Federal duck stamps or licenses are source of income for federal and states government.

      Cost for federal stamps was US$ 28.5 (include transaction fees), and license fees are varies between state to state.

      These income was designed for conservation efforts, especially in relate to:
      - wildlife management
      - new lands purchase for hunters
      - research and education

      Hunters or whoever interests with duck hunting may purchase federal stamps in many places:
      - U.S. Post Offices
      - Walmart
      - some sporting and outdoor stores
      - some national wildlife refuges
      - online

      Moreover, duck hunting is for sport purpose, and duck’s flesh is the main target for some duck hunters.

      Have you ever hunting? Hunting for what animals? Deer, duck or what?

  24. BASTARDS, they all should been shot. I hate these people, sorry.

  25. Great article about hunting duck. Have a nice weekend

  26. "The answers are depended on to whom we talk to: government or duck hunters?"
    So what the answer if the governmest ask it?
