Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26

Thursday, November 12, 2020


A concrete table with two benches.

We have known that there are a lot of symptoms for whom infected with Covid 19.

Some well known symptoms or common symptoms are:

- headaches

- fatigue

- muscle pain

- joint pain.

- or other persistence of pain related symptoms

For severe infections, the symptoms might be following:

- encephalitis, cause brain inflammation

- Chronic pain, long term pain.

Moreover, you may like to read my relevant previous post about common symptoms for infected persons

- How to Know Someone Infected by Wuhan Virus? - Virus 1.

A cat, just for illustration

Moreover, the strange symptom for me is called chemethesis. It is happen when an infected person almost lost his or her taste sense, but he or she able to detect cool peppermints and chilies.

From “,” the summary of chemethesis is following:

Chemesthesis is defined as the chemical sensibility of the skin and mucus membranes. Chemesthetic sensations arise when chemical compounds activate receptors associated with other senses that mediate pain, touch, and thermal perception. Examples of chemesthetic sensations include the burn-like irritation from chili pepper, the coolness of menthol in mouthwashes and topical analgesic creams, the stinging or tingling of carbonation in the nose and mouth, and the tear-induction of onions.

Hope, no one of us be infected by virus Sars Cov 2. Stay safe, healthy and virus free.


  1. I'm free until now, hope God help me and stay free from the virus, you too!!

    1. Thanks-
      Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26

  2. Hard to sometimes differentiate these symptoms from other illnesses.

  3. My friends has and she feel so badly and do weak

  4. So far, we are all fine, I hope for you ....

  5. Unfortunately, most of these symptoms are so common it is hard to differentiate. Hopefully, it will run its course sooner than later.

  6. Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26

    It is difficult to recognize

    1. Thanks-
      Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26
      A concrete table with two benches.

      We have known that there are a lot of symptoms for whom infected with Covid 19.

      Some well known symptoms or common symptoms are:
      - headaches
      - fatigue
      - muscle pain
      - joint pain.
      - or other persistence of pain related symptoms

      For severe infections, the symptoms might be following:
      - encephalitis, cause brain inflammation
      - Chronic pain, long term pain.

      Moreover, you may like to read my relevant previous post about common symptoms for infected persons


  7. My nephew lost his sense of taste and just tested positive for Covid 19 :(

  8. Thank you for sharing these information.

    New Post -

  9. Stay safe too. I hope it will be over soon.

  10. Das mit dem Geschmackssinn habe ich auch schon gelesen, ist wirklich erstaunlich. LG Romy

  11. Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26

    it will over to enter new chapter

    1. Thanks-
      Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26
      A cat, just for illustration

      Moreover, the strange symptom for me is called chemethesis. It is happen when an infected person almost lost his or her taste sense, but he or she able to detect cool peppermints and chilies.

      From “,” the summary of chemethesis is following:
      “Chemesthesis is defined as the chemical sensibility of the skin and mucus membranes. Chemesthetic sensations arise when chemical compounds activate receptors associated with other senses that mediate pain, touch, and thermal perception. Examples of chemesthetic sensations include the burn-like irritation from chili pepper, the coolness of menthol in mouthwashes and topical analgesic creams, the stinging or tingling of carbonation in the nose and mouth, and the tear-induction of onions.”

      Hope, no one of us be infected by virus Sars Cov 2. Stay safe, healthy and virus free.

  12. so weird all the things they keep finding out as we go along with this virus

  13. Very interesting article! Have a great weekend! 🍁🍂🍁

  14. Hope you are safe and doing well! Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks-
      Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26
      A concrete table with two benches.

      We have known that there are a lot of symptoms for whom infected with Covid 19.

      Some well known symptoms or common symptoms are:
      - headaches
      - fatigue
      - muscle pain
      - joint pain.
      - or other persistence of pain related symptoms

      For severe infections, the symptoms might be following:
      - encephalitis, cause brain inflammation
      - Chronic pain, long term pain.

      Moreover, you may like to read my relevant previous post about common symptoms for infected persons


  15. Interesting that one can smell chilis and peppermint but nothing else.

  16. Hallo salam. Bicara tentang covid 19 bagi saya pribadi penuh tanda tanya, namun sebelum itu saya harus katakan memang benar ada dan berdampak, namun menurut saya fenomena ini jadi ladang bisnis oleh sebagaian orang (opini pribadi), namun pesan penting (tersirat) di bagian akhir dari tulisan ini, penting untuk dijalankan oleh siapapun yakni jaga jarak dan tetap meamakai masker. Semoga kita semua terhindar dari pandemi covid 19.

  17. Parabéns pelo artigo!
    Li com muita atenção!
    Um beijinho recheado de luz e gratidão!💋🌻💋
    Megy Maia🌈

    1. Thanks-
      Chemothesis - What a Kind of Covid 19 symptom? - Virus 26
      A cat, just for illustration

      Moreover, the strange symptom for me is called chemethesis. It is happen when an infected person almost lost his or her taste sense, but he or she able to detect cool peppermints and chilies.

      From “,” the summary of chemethesis is following:
      “Chemesthesis is defined as the chemical sensibility of the skin and mucus membranes. Chemesthetic sensations arise when chemical compounds activate receptors associated with other senses that mediate pain, touch, and thermal perception. Examples of chemesthetic sensations include the burn-like irritation from chili pepper, the coolness of menthol in mouthwashes and topical analgesic creams, the stinging or tingling of carbonation in the nose and mouth, and the tear-induction of onions.”

      Hope, no one of us be infected by virus Sars Cov 2. Stay safe, healthy and virus free.
