Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?

Thursday, June 13, 2019
Strawberry, red and sweet

Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits. I just buy them in enough amount to consume for several days.

Since we consume bought strawberries in a proper time, thus, they are in good condition and tasted fresh.

Off course, they are abundance during spring seasons. Mainly local productions. We could find strawberry all seasons, but they are imported ones.

Based on my own experienced, imported strawberries are varied in term of taste, freshness and overall quality.

I just read in an article that we can freeze strawberry, then can be used to make many foods as we know, a jam as an example.

Washing strawberries in the glass bowl

We can use frozen strawberries to make like following foods:
- Pie
- Compote
- A chocolate dip
- Cobbler
- Cake
- etc

My readings said that before freezing, strawberries are washed by clean water. Then put them into plastic bags (freezer bags).

We may freeze strawberry up to 2 months in a freezer, and some said that strawberries are safe to be consumed even after 12 months.

Honestly, I never freeze strawberry, thus never eat 12 months frozen strawberries.

Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry? How long in freezer is safe to be consumed?


  1. Mine too.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Strawberry, red and sweet

  2. I like strawberries and eat them often during summer. I have never froze strawberries but the idea sounds very interesting.

    1. I see... yes, they over supply during late spring until early summer in southern states.

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits. I just buy them in enough amount to consume for several days.

  3. Saya pernah mencoba membekukan strawberry, tapi kok buahnya jadi bonyok ya ?.

    Mungkin itu karena buah strawberry lokal,bukan impor 😁

    Akan aku coba membekukan strawberry impor

    1. sama aja impor dan local....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Since we consume bought strawberries in a proper time, thus, they are in good condition and tasted fresh.

    2. Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?

  4. I know they sell frozen fruit, good in smoothies.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to Freeze Strawberry?
      Off course, they are abundance during spring seasons. Mainly local productions. We could find strawberry all seasons, but they are imported ones.

  5. I LOVE strawberries, they are one of my favorite fruits too. Mr.-PaPa-dellgirl buys them for me all the time. I like them cut up with a sprinkle of sugar and Cool Whip...Oooo so yummy!

    I have frozen them a few times, and they come out well to do exactly as you stated at the end of your article. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Wishing you a great Thursday!

    1. I see... I eat strawberry with whip too

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze Strawberry?
      Based on my own experienced, imported strawberries are varied in term of taste, freshness and overall quality.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze, Strawberry?
      I just read in an article that we can freeze strawberry, then can be used to make many foods as we know, a jam as an example.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Washing strawberries in the glass bowl

  8. Suka kalo udah jadi jus mas hehee

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      We can use frozen strawberries to make like following foods:
      - Pie
      - Compote
      - A chocolate dip
      - Cobbler
      - Cake
      - etc

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      My readings said that before freezing, strawberries are washed by clean water. Then put them into plastic bags (freezer bags).

  10. I like strawberries but have never frozen any. Would they go all mushy if frozen?

    1. I never frozen it too...

      Have, You, Try, to Freeze Strawberry?
      We may freeze strawberry up to 2 months in a freezer, and some said that strawberries are safe to be consumed even after 12 months.

  11. Strawberries would not last long enough to freeze in our house either. We are growing them right now but I don't know if the plants are too young for harvest this year.

    1. I see... hope, you harvest a lot strawberries this year....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to Freeze Strawberry?
      Honestly, I never freeze strawberry, thus never eat 12 months frozen strawberries.

  12. I love strawberries, but this year have had a hard time finding some nice sweet ones that are not beginning to go soggy. I've never tried freezing them.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze Strawberry?
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry? How long in freezer is safe to be consumed?

  13. I've frozen lots of different berries, and they do quite well. Their consistency changes a little, but they still work great for most uses. The taste is still there, but the fruit is a little mushier.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze, Strawberry?
      Strawberry, red and sweet

  14. I like strawberries and I've tried frozen strawberries, but I prefere fresh fruits.

    Best regards

    1. I see...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits. I just buy them in enough amount to consume for several days.

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      Off course, they are abundance during spring seasons. Mainly local productions. We could find strawberry all seasons, but they are imported ones.

    2. Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?

  16. Stroberi dibeku'in? Belum pernah nyoba sih. Biasanya dimasukan aja ke lemari es yang bagian pendingin aja.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to Freeze Strawberry?
      Based on my own experienced, imported strawberries are varied in term of taste, freshness and overall quality.

  17. I love strawberries fresh, frozen or otherwise. Yes I've frozen strawberries before and used to buy frozen strawberries too. They can last a long time but I'm not sure exactly how long.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze Strawberry?
      I just read in an article that we can freeze strawberry, then can be used to make many foods as we know, a jam as an example.

  18. Frozen strawberries are great with smoothies, I have kept them in there for many months

    1. I understand now that frozen strawberry could be fresh longer...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have, You, Try, to, Freeze, Strawberry?
      Washing strawberries in the glass bowl

    2. Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?

  19. We love strawberries and can hardly wait for the farm stands to sell them around us. I don't soak mine just rinse them off well and clean them up. Then I put them on a cookie sheet and freeze them individually. Once frozen I put them in my seal bags and seal them up. This way I can use what I want and reseal the bag again. I usually use them with smoothies and desserts. They are not as firm but taste just as good!

    1. I will follow your advises to freeze strawberries....

      Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      We can use frozen strawberries to make like following foods:
      - Pie
      - Compote
      - A chocolate dip
      - Cobbler
      - Cake
      - etc

  20. Las fresas?? A mi me encantan! Comerlas y beberlas como batido, pero nunca lo habia congelado, lo probaré a ver comk sale.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?

    2. Thank you to visit my article:
      Have You Try to Freeze Strawberry?
      My readings said that before freezing, strawberries are washed by clean water. Then put them into plastic bags (freezer bags).
