What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Basilica, just for illustration, credit to Romewise
Christianity has strong relationships with the Roman empire at early stage of developments, and even beyond. 
At the first century, slow but sure, Christian faith to be adapted by Romans world; many Romans converted to Christianity. 
In terms of art, Romans then bring their own art heritage to their new faith; Christian. Roman’s artistic (motif, form and architecture) was applied with new meaning to a new faith and to a new god. 

One of Basilica plan, credit to Amundson (2016)
Christian had adopted classical Rome architectures after becoming legal faith in 313 CE. Christian built the early churches by mimicking the basilica (please see above Figure). 
As mentioned by writer873 (2012) that basilica is used as a court of law or for public assemblies, and even as marketplaces in ancient Rome. 
Thus, basilica is evolved as a symbol of authority in Roman empire to be symbol of worship in early Christians.
Other unique things in early Christianity that they borrowed many artistic motifs from the Romans, some of them are philosopher figure; shepherd figure and festive meal motif. 
Christ and his apostles are depicted as a philosopher figure with characterized by a teacher wearing a toga and holding a scroll. 
Then, Christians adopted the shepherd figure to portray Christ; a young man with a sheep on his shoulders. In respect to the festive meal motif, Christians adopted the theme for celebration symbol.

Amundson, JA. 2016. ARC 231: image collection for Jewish & Early Christian. Retrieved from http://jhenniferamundson.net/arc-231-2/arc-231-image-collection/arc-231-image-collection-for-jewish-early-christian/
Writer873. 2012. Basilicas of the Roman Forum. Retrieved from http://www.ancient.eu/article/24/


  1. Interesting that they adopted Christianity, moved from their own

    1. human life always dynamics based on historical fact.

      Thank you to visit my article:
      What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Basilica, just for illustration, credit to Romewis

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Basilica, just for illustration, credit to Romewise

    3. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?

  2. I didn’t know about the shepherd motif in art, but certainly the shepherd metaphor for God comes from the Hebrew Scriptures, but the Jewish tradition would have never thought of using it as art as that would be idolatry. Didn’t the Romans borrow the togas from the Greeks?


    1. Actually, the culture interconnected.....
      Roman occupied the Greek for long times....,
      Persia (Iran) occupied Greek for hundred years
      Jew lived under the great Cyrus (Persia) may be for thousand years....

      Yes, I believed Toga was from Greek, then adopted by Roman, then, used by Christian Roman...

    2. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Christianity has strong relationships with the Roman empire at early stage of developments, and even beyond.

    3. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Christianity has strong relationships with the Roman empire at early stage of developments, and even beyond.

  3. Really have some important things in common.
    Nice day!😉

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      At the first century, slow but sure, Christian faith to be adapted by Romans world; many Romans converted to Christianity.

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      As mentioned by writer873 (2012) that basilica is used as a court of law or for public assemblies, and even as marketplaces in ancient Rome.

    3. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?

  4. Always fascinated by these architectures! xoxo

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      In terms of art, Romans then bring their own art heritage to their new faith; Christian. Roman’s artistic (motif, form and architecture) was applied with new meaning to a new faith and to a new god.

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Thus, basilica is evolved as a symbol of authority in Roman empire to be symbol of worship in early Christians.

  5. An interesting read. Always learning. Thanks for the new knowledge.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between, Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      One of Basilica plan, credit to Amundson (2016)

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Other unique things in early Christianity that they borrowed many artistic motifs from the Romans, some of them are philosopher figure; shepherd figure and festive meal motif.

  6. Great Information. Have a sunny bank Holiday.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between, Christian, Art and Classical Rome?
      Christian had adopted classical Rome architectures after becoming legal faith in 313 CE. Christian built the early churches by mimicking the basilica (please see above Figure).

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Christ and his apostles are depicted as a philosopher figure with characterized by a teacher wearing a toga and holding a scroll.

  7. Very interesting. You always post the best reads.

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between, Christian, Art, and Classical Rome?
      As mentioned by writer873 (2012) that basilica is used as a court of law or for public assemblies, and even as marketplaces in ancient Rome.

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Then, Christians adopted the shepherd figure to portray Christ; a young man with a sheep on his shoulders. In respect to the festive meal motif, Christians adopted the theme for celebration symbol.

  8. The artwork and architecture are so beautiful.

    1. yes, indeed...

      Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between, Christian, Art, and, Classical Rome?
      Thus, basilica is evolved as a symbol of authority in Roman empire to be symbol of worship in early Christians.

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Basilica, just for illustration, credit to Romewise

  9. Interesting and very logical ;-)

    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was, Relationship, between, Christian, Art, and, Classical, Rome?
      Other unique things in early Christianity that they borrowed many artistic motifs from the Romans, some of them are philosopher figure; shepherd figure and festive meal motif.

    2. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Christianity has strong relationships with the Roman empire at early stage of developments, and even beyond.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you to visit my article:
      What, was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
      Then, Christians adopted the shepherd figure to portray Christ; a young man with a sheep on his shoulders. In respect to the festive meal motif, Christians adopted the theme for celebration symbol.

  11. Thank you to visit my article:
    What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
    Christ and his apostles are depicted as a philosopher figure with characterized by a teacher wearing a toga and holding a scroll.

  12. What was Relationship between Christian Art and Classical Rome?
    At the first century, slow but sure, Christian faith to be adapted by Romans world; many Romans converted to Christianity.
